During a recent JINSA-sponsored visit to Israel to meet with National Security Leaders, I had the honor of meeting with members of Israel’s “Brothers For Life.”  They are a non-profit organization, created and run by injured Israeli veterans, which gives critical and immediate help to other injured Israeli combat veterans who sacrificed their lives for the safety of their nation.  They have several counterpart organizations in the U.S. 

We visited their center in the Tel Aviv suburbs and heard moving testimonials to the organization’s effectiveness from two of it’s members, Yosef Abramson and Ross Kazer, who hails from Crofton, MD and was also a U.S. Army Afghanistan veteran!  

Their inspirational model includes the following tenets: 

  • TEAMWORK: “Our mission is to empower injured combat soldiers to help recently injured combat soldiers reclaim their lives, fulfill their dreams, and continue to serve and inspire Israel.”
  • TONE:  Their short motto, “Injured Soldiers Helping Injured Soldiers.” 
  • TENACITY:  The organization provides injured soldiers comprehensive financial support, including direct financial aid, financial counseling, and a free loan fund, educational scholarships, vocational training, internships, and job placement, and over 25 different soldier-run programs, including a special Women’s Program with a specific focus on spouses and significant others who shoulder the day-to-day physical, emotional, and often financial struggles of their loved ones, and full PTS counseling and mentoring. 

To learn more about this noble non-profit, visit

– Rear Admiral Paul Becker, USN (Ret) is a motivational and national security keynote speaker.  He is a leadership professor at the U.S. Naval Academy and the CEO of The Becker T3 Group. In 2016, The Naval Intelligence Community established “The Rear Admiral Becker ‘Teamwork, Tone, Tenacity Award for Leadership” in his honor.  To connect with Paul, visit his website:

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